I wasn’t going to write the blog at the weekends, but I ended up having a bit of a weird and wonderful one (as the pictures may show). The first photo is the cemetery gatehouse… it looks so lovely being covered by a glorious white blanket…. The second photo is an example of the weirdness of my weekend. Saturday could have been a terrible day, but ended up being excellent! We woke up in the morning without and running water in the flat. I’m not surprised, it’s not the first time it’s happened – but it’s always a total ballache… the day started with a trip to my excellent friend and neighbours house to have a wash and get some water. Her lovely mum was there, so it was wonderful to have a chat and a cup of coffee to start the day. We normally go to market on a Saturday morning, but as the weather was so bad – we weren’t sure any of our plans were going to come to fruition! After sorting out what we could at home (Saturday is chore day), we trudged through the Quarter on our way to town… on the way, we bumped in George, Zippy and Bungle…
I have NO idea why this three thought it would be a good idea to don onesies and walk around the JQ, but it certainly brightened up my day! We then had a good giggle at some people falling off a child’s sledge – before realising it was Mike and Millie of the JQNF! We stopped for a quick chat before heading into a blissfully quiet City Centre for a lovely pot of Chai (and free cake!) at the Boston Tea Party. After defrosting for a little while, we had a wander round the nearly empty Birmingham markets to get our fruit and veg.
Even though we only spent a couple of hours mooching round, we were both parched and knackered after hitting the shops – so that called for more coffee (with accompanying cake) at the 6/8 café. We really lived it up on Saturday and completed our day with a visit to the Electric cinema and then Las iguanas.
On Sunday, we went round our friends house for a “swap shop.” In these tough economic times, its great to go through all of the things that we hoard and distribute them to people who will use and enjoy them… I got a lovely coat, a skirt, a posh dress and some accessories!
It really was quite the wonderful, busy and mad weekend…
For a summarising quote, I have been pondering Snow. I love the snow (not the disruption, but the feeling of being out in it and it’s effect on the landscape), but I understand people who dislike it… with this in mind (and the spirit of positivity), I bring you this quote, “Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather.”