Tuesday, 26 February 2013
So, today is pretty miserable! Not cloudy and not as cold as it has been – but definitely miserable. I’m totally shattered at work and supposed to be firing on all cylinders to help put together a bit for a training investment. I am so grateful to be asked (I’ve been crying out for an opportunity like this), but I just wish it hadn’t come when I’ve been so busy!
Still, had a very productive meeting and put some initial thoughts together, so that’s all anyone can hope for at this stage. Got to get home tonight and pack! Was meant to do it last night – but couldn’t find the energy after the weekend of manicness. Still, did a load of washing in preparation for packing. It will be all systems go come Thursday :) just got to do the last (arguably, most important) thing – the booze run.
I have had a lovely surprise today. Me and the other half generally share things we think are good with likeminded people. I have been lending a colleague “The Walking Dead,” as I figured he would appreciate it (being a zombie fan – but also a father of two young children so not a lot of time for researching what’s good in popular culture), and not only has he loved it – but he has bought us a present today. “The Zombie Survival Guide; Complete Protection from the Walking Dead.” I hadn’t read it yet, so bonus, but also how sweet that he bothered. I think we often take for granted the nice things that other people do for us and forget to say “Thank you” when someone has gone above and beyond. It’s inspired me to try and notice the things that other people do for me all the time, not because they have to, but because they want to.
I hope you take that as your thought for today as well. Lets spread a bit of positivity – god knows that when it’s still THIS cold and THIS miserable in February, we all need some.
Monday Magica
So.. Monday…
Well, what can you say really? Mondays are nobody’s favourite day of the week – especially after a weekend having a wonderful time attending great events and hanging out with good friends. We had a pretty chilled day Sunday, just did the remaining chores and went to brunch with Jon, Dan and Martin (Pancakes make me happy), but still woke up shattered. A pretty miserable day weather-wise – so I took todays photos on my way home from work. More of the fantastic eggs which have sprung up around the city!
Work was productive for personal stuff, but hitting more walls with actual work. You can only do so much until someone else needs to take over and carry out their “bit.” If they don’t do it – you just have to step back (no matter how frustrated you are). Still, sorted train tickets for The Knife, some supplies for Scifi Weekender, some booking for Birthday activities and some bits sorted for our holiday.
Picked up my new glasses on the way home. Got a lovely black and white plastic pair (Karen Millen) and a rather crazy Osiris pair (in a 50’s wing style and leopard print design). I fell in love with the crazy pair, but was rather worried that they would look too ridiculous. The consensus is that they look “off the wall,” but I look pretty off the wall most of the time –so I can get away with it.
Did a few bits and pieces in town before heading back and putting in all of the washing we need for Thursday and doing a bit of tidying. Caught up with the “Walking Dead” (I swear, that show just gets better and better) and watched some more “Madoka Magica.” What a strange and brilliant series! If you’re into your anime – check it out (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puella_Magi_Madoka_Magica). Definitely worth a watch!
Anyway – time to chip off. I’ve just accepted that, try as I might, I will not be posting every day! Life gets in the way!
A Saturday well spent...
Just a brief note on my weekend!
We were lucky enough to get tickets for +backtothetheatre event at the Custard factory on Saturday! This meant we had to wake up nice and early (normal Saturday practise for us) to get to Birmingham Markets to sort out our food for the week. I really do Love the Birmingham markets, but not so much when I’m hung over -_-.
Treated it as a smash and grab and armed with our shopping list, got into town, got the things we needed and dashed home in time to shove some food in our mouth and head back out. Met our lovely friends squeaky and Gitzy and mooched down to Digbeth in time to collect tickets, posters and be seated. Firstly, the venue was amazing. A lovely little movie theatre in the middle of the Custard Factory. Small, but comfortable and in good order. There were first rate movie props from Re-animator on the stage (the half woman talking corpse from ROTLD and “THE” Head from Reanimator) as well as a trioxin barrel, Tarman head and gravestones strewn about. On each seat was a plastic goody bag which contained a copy of Shock Horror magazine, some flyers and a freebie. I got the fabulous badge you can see above. I am donning THAT at Scifi Weekender!
The first event of the day was a Q&A with Graham Humphries. What a lovely guy! Talked about his experiences of creating the iconic posters and covers for Nightmare on Elm Street, Evil Dead, Dusk till Dawn and all sorts! We fired questions from the crowd and he answered honestly and truthfully about his long career and working with the greats. Next was the signing. As we were one of the first 50 to book, we got a ltd edition poster which Graham gratefully scribbled on for us. He took the time to pose for photos with everyone who asked and was just genuinely nice.
Then came the reanimator screening. Great quality audio and video and totally wonderful to watch a film with a likeminded audience. We laughed and cheered together during the film and had a whale of a time. You could take in your own food and drink, so people were cracking open beers and sharing packets of sweets – a great atmosphere.
After the break (and the beer run), came the Q&A with Don Calfa. He is not a young man, but exuded positivity and excitement. Even though he was deaf as a post, he answered questions animatedly and candidly throughout the session – offering little titbits and gems of stories from the whole of his career.
Following this came a short talk from Steve “Mitzy” May and Gary Smart (author of “The Complete History of the Return of the Living Dead” – shortly to be reissued). Fascinating stuff – especially for a total novice when it comes to cult Zombie movies. A history of the trials and tribulations behind the titles and the “difficult” franchise (varying quality from the Sublime to the Ridiculous). This made the following screening even more engaging and I think even hardened ROTLD fans learned something and took something new away from the film.
The final part of the day (after I had bagged a free DVD of “Dragon Wasps”) was the Don Calfa Signing. Again, a wonderful guy who had time for everyone and didn’t rush anyone. Some people had taken 4 or 5 items for signing, but no complaints or ego were felt and everyone just seemed to be happy and excited. There was a quiet drink with Don afterwards, but after a long exciting day – I just needed to go to bed.
On that note, I urge to check out #backtothetheatre events. We heard a whisper of the theme of the next one – and quite frankly – it’s already on the calender!
Monday, 25 February 2013
Thursday and Friday (and the ills - again!)
This is Thursday and Friday respectively. I don't know for the life of me what that thing is in the sky! It wasn't on the lens!
I was really poorly Thursday and crazy busy Friday - so didn't get a chance to post! The weather was pretty miserable last week and not helped by not feeling great, so felt stressed and down in the dumps. Had a nice Wednesday night with the gang - but felt like utter pants Thursday (which wasn't helped by people being ridiculous at work), so passed out when I got in. Also had the wonderful news that the charity event I had struggled to organise had to be cancelled as our lovely dance teacher had all the ills, so not a good one!
Friday was better, but was still shattered! Ended up having a lovely evening with our wonderful friends, but suffered for it Saturday (see next post!).
All in all, a bad week was made great by friends :) but more about that in the next post (which will hopefully go up after dinner!)
Wednesday, 20 February 2013
woeful Wednesday
Just a quick one today! Last night's trip to the Electric was excellent! Prosecco and Cookies bought to our sofa and the fabulous Denzel Washington acting like he was in a Victorian melodrama! All topped off with a pint in Brewdog and wonderful company in the shape of my friend Emma.
Today, my cold is back :(! I am so unlucky with being ill, whatever is going around - I will catch! Had a nice early night last night, which was definitely required. I had an exciting day of dentist, optician and a tonne of work to do - a brilliant combination. Still, the photo today is nice and cheerful!
These fabulous eggs have popped up all over Birmingham. This smiley face was spotted outside the Cathedral. If you're about town, go and have an explore!
Anyway, must dash! Got to book my place on the conservation trust's coffin factory tour. I suggest you book if you can - have a look here:
Tuesday 19th Feb
Well, a good day to you all!
Today’s post isn’t as exciting as yesterdays as there are no animal pictures! I was so pleased with how some of them came out! I invested in a new phone end of last year, and it’s really made a difference to how many photos I take and how I consider things around me. My phone previously was technically a smart phone, but the processor was so slow – it was a nightmare to do anything with it. The quality of the pictures were simply AWFUL too!
Today is nice and bright, but pretty cold. My poor fingers were frozen as I was taking the picture – so I only took the one and shufted off pretty quickly. I’m writing this in the morning, but hope to get a nice picture later as I’m heading to the Electric Cinema (which is a lovely place) to see Flight.
Got a tonne of stuff to do today and the weight of the world on my shoulders. I’ve got so much to sort out. It’s not even a relief to cross one thing off the list as the list seems to be never bloody ending! Roll on next Thursday. I’m off to Sci-fi Weekender in Wales, so get a bit of time off work to chill with my friends and have a giggle. Today, I’m taking solace in the fact I can listen to the radio at work and just tune in to the task at hand.
Right – as I say, best get on with it. these 50 Method Statements aren’t going to write themselves… no really… 50. All at least 5 pages long. Great fun!
Monday, 18 February 2013
Anniversary weekend and (unfortunately) Monday
So, what a weekend… had a nice chilled out Friday. Watched Antiviral (brilliant) and got a decent night’s sleep. Was woken up by the alarm at 9:30 on Saturday morning and had a relaxing bath (with the last of my Christmas gift posh stuff). Out the door by 10:30 and on the road to mystery date.
As soon as I started to see the road signs, I knew we were going to Dudley Zoo. It might seem a bit silly to you lot, but it was one of our first dates – so meant the world to me. It was the first place Dan truly saw my rather “colourful” side, as I chatted to ALL of the animals on the way round. I have attached some photos from the day.
I LOVE Lynx’s, Red Panda’s and Snow Leopards – so it was a fabulous day. Nearly all of the animals came out and were running around and I was especially impressed with the Panda’s (as they are notoriously shy creatures).
After a knackering walk round several circuits of the zoo (which has been GREATLY improved in 5 years), I got a quick rest before it was time to head to Bodega for some tasty eats. Great food and great cocktails were had. We followed that up with a cheap pint in the Briar Rose, before heading to Eddie’s Rock club for a bit of live metal (courtesy of Valous). It was Great fun… loud and riotous with lots of frontman poser action. Bumped into some old friends I hadn’t seen in quite a while – which was a lovely surprise.
After we had, had our fill of dancing around like loons – it was back to the JQ to meet my friend Clare and her mate (who was down from London). They had never been out in in the JQ before and were blown over by a lovely meal at pasta di piazza (www.pastadipiazza.com) and a pint at the wonderful Rose Villa (www.therosevillatavern.co.uk) before settling in for the long haul at the Actress and Bishop (www.theactressandbishop.com). All my recommendations – all totally loved!
The whole day was wonderful (Sunday morning, however, was NOT!). Sunday was a bit of a nothingness as me and Dan really weren’t well. Self-inflicted – so I’m not asking for any sympathy!
Today (Monday) started off Gray. It really wasn’t very inspiring at all (especially as I didn’t sleep very well last night). Hence I have taken a photo on my way home from work instead. It’s bit quite sunny in Birmingham this afternoon, and makes you feel a bit more alive. I have survived Monday (thank goodness) and am looking forward to some liver cleansing tomato juice and an early night. Another busy week this week, but I’ll try my best to be reliable with my posts this week!
Still, I have got you a thought for the day. With the sun coming out this afternoon, it has bought to mind this quote (courtesy of Steve Martin). “A day without sunshine is like, you know, night."
Friday, 15 February 2013
Valentines day and Friday 15th
I’ve been so busy this week! 0_o as you can tell from the relative radio silence…
I’ve been so busy this week! 0_o as you can tell from the relative radio silence…
The first 3 pics are from Valentine’s day. The first one was taken on my normal route to work. I had to get in early Thursday morning as I was out on site with some of our arboriculturalists to watch them do their thing and discuss safety. It was an early start and was a bit of a shock to the system as it was pretty chilly. I’ve taken a view of the church this morning as it was a bit gloomy and mysterious with the spire looking blue in the half-light.
The second pictures are the wonderful flowers my other half got delivered to my work. This is a BIG DEAL for me, as it’s the first time it’s ever happened to me. We don’t really “do” valentine’s day… not because I have any moral objection (commercialisation blah blah blah) but because it’s our anniversary on the 16 th February, which is a far bigger deal for us. I’m not very girly, but I went a bit high pitched and giggly – completely out of character for me! The second bouquet in the background are the “backup” flowers (gorgeous bright red tulips), just in case the first bunch didn’t turn up on time. What a sweety
Valentines ended up being a fabulous day, despite being in a car accident. The car accident was just a “bump,” but we were shunted quite a way. As I was in the back of the car, I bore the brunt of the force – but just ended up feeling a little jarred and quite sick from shock. The irony was, the accident occurred on the way to a safety inspection! When all were accounted for and the whole thing was resolved, we visited two sites to watch some of my colleagues plant some new trees. It’s fascinating (it is, honest!) to see all the processes they have to follow just to plant a small sapling in the path.
After that – I had Valentines card fun at work! The total (after each card being sold at a cost of 50p) was £110!!! What a whopping amount to come out of donations and card sales, eh? There were more than a few smiles and looks of surprise from the people on the 3 rd floor. A brilliant success and I look forward to an even bigger event next year!
Post-flower delivery, Dan picked me up and we quickly sorted our stuff out before heading out for a romantic valentines meal… to Wetherspoons. More for irony value than anything romantic – but actually had a pleasing and cheap meal before topping off my day with a trip to Cineworld to see Die Hard. Enjoyed the film, but didn’t think it was on a par with the first 3 or even 4.0. When we got home, I desperately needed to go to sleep…. YAY FOR ROMANCE!
Today, I have chosen a shot from closer to the top of Caroline Street than normal. It was lovely and light this morning (which you can see in the photo) and the sun came out for the majority of the morning. I am very proud of myself as I have made the first proper steps in arranging the wedding for next year and contacting our potential venue (a farm) to see if they are interested. I have also sent out the emails to people in regards to our charity Zumba session for the Children’s hospital. I am hoping this will be a big success and help us raise £25,000 for the hospital by the end of 2013.
Right – in a bit of a rush, so best get on! It’s all going on in my world at the moment!
Wednesday, 13 February 2013
Shrove Tuesday and Wintery Wednesday
Again, apologies in being so rubbish in writing and posting
the blog. I never seem to get much time to myself either at work or home at the
moment, so being given a spare 10 minutes this Wednesday evening seems a bit of
a luxury…
Monday night was a bit of a later night than originally expected.
We met up with our friend Emma to commemorate a rather sad anniversary for her,
so that meant we had chats with cocktails until 7pm. It doesn’t sound late –
but I went out straight from work so had one of those days where I left the
house at 7:10am and didn’t get in till nearly 8pm. When we got back, we had a
bit of fun experimenting with Bloody Mary’s (one of our favourite drinks). We
had been given some “Sputnik” Horse Raddish Vodka and some “Blood Shot” (a
Vodka based liquor which is aged in Port and has a spicy aftertaste). Only one
each, so not a heavy night – but I was knackered Tuesday morning.
Tuesday was a snowy start, but wasn’t too slippery. Thank goodness!
I’ve chosen two pics to illustrate Tuesday. The first one is the “imposing tree”
I chose a while ago. He looks a lot less scary with snow on top, doesn’t he? The
snow really does make everything look clean and fresh.
The second photo was a vibrant flower that’s growing in the
planters around the church. It really warms the heart to see the lovely strong
colours. A nice reminder that the cold (should) soon be a distant memory and
the sun will be with us soon.
As you can tell from the fact I didn’t write a blog Tuesday,
it was a bit manic. The valentine’s card scheme for charity really kicked off a
notch, so between loads and loads of work, I was running round trying to
discreetly take money and distribute cards to my colleagues. Add that to trying
to organise a bunch of senior managers who are totally clueless of what it
takes to write and formalise procedures, and you have one heck of a day! For
the record, I really like all the managers I work with, I just wish they could
manage themselves better!
Tuesday evening was a total joy. We’ve made a new friend
recently. A lovely lass has just moved to the JQ from the US, and doesn’t really
know very much about the area or the people in Brum – so we’ve promised her
that we’ll do what we can to help her get out and do stuff in her new home. As she
had never experienced Pancake day in the UK,
we thought, we’ll have her over and make her a few American style pancakes (a
little taste of America in
the UK).
Well, that turned into our friends Squeeks, Gitzy and Emma also coming over and
a Flippin’ Frenzy. My other half made BEAUTIFUL nutmeg and cinnamon thick
pancakes and we had all sorts of toppings (everything from Jam and nutella to
Dutch cheese!). I thought it would be a nice early night, but we didn’t end up
kicking everyone out until about midnight.
That has lead to another tired day today. This morning, the
world took on a lovely pink hue, which I tried to catch (pretty unsuccessfully)
in the above pic of the clock tower. This is really the motif of the quarter
and is a real thing of beauty.
Had an early breakfast meeting (with a sausage sandwich –
thank goodness!) and then proceeded to spend the rest of the day selling
valentines cards and trying to make movement on the actions I managed to obtain
in the meeting. It didn’t feel very productive, but I’ve made some movement on
some niggling points that have been outstanding for yonks.
As today is Wednesday, I’m looking forward to my normal
posse of friends coming over in a bit. Tonights line up is Jon, Jazz, Jo, Emma
and Caroline. Hopefully it’ll be as much of a giggle as last night (but less
Must dash – no time for quote research – as I’ve got to eat
my dinner and spruce up the flat! Ta ta!
Monday, 11 February 2013
A Blizzardy Beginning to the week...
Well, this morning’s photo is a bit prettier due to
the snowy gale I had to walk in to this morning. It came as a real
surprise yesterday as it just belted it down all day, so I thought the
snow wouldn’t settle – but as you can see, a fair amount has!
what a busy weekend! Friday ended up being EXCELLENT. After work, I got
time to go home and have a disco nap before having a bath and getting
ready for Birthday Drinks number 1 (my friend Mo). This was with some of
my colleagues at Wetherspoons. I only stayed for about an hour, but it
was nice to see them and catch up outside of work. After that it was
Birthday number 2 (my friend Cate). After a disappointing start (Cate
had booked for 11 – only 4 turned up), we had a beautiful meal and
drinks in the Boardroom of “Lost and Found” on Bennetts Hill. We then
had time for another quick drink in their ultra-exclusive cocktail bar
“Shhh!,” before I had to dash off to Eddies.
new guy to Dystopia, Jay, did the first awkward set. He hadn’t deejayed
in 10 years – but did a great job! Definitely a goth theme, but he
played some great tracks that I normally wouldn’t hear out – so got
people on the dancefloor before 11pm (which is practically unheard of!).
I started my set at 10:45. I started off with some Tiga and something a
bit more alternative and dancey, before getting harder and louder
throughout the set. I was super pleased as had people dancing the whole
way through and even had people cursing me because they needed a break –
but I kept it all pacey so didn’t want to leave the floor!
I have included the full tracklist below for you to have a listen/look/comment:-
Note: Track 1 - Tiga - Who's That?
Track 2 - Ashbury Heights - Smile (Remixed by Marsheaux)
was nice, but I was knackered. After a late and busy night on Friday,
we had a bit of a lay in (about 10 I think) before heading to Market to
do the normal weekly shop. Had a little mooch around the town as well
and grabbed a well-deserved coffee and cake at one of my favourite
coffee shops ever – the 6/8 Kafe (http://www.sixeightkafe.co.uk/ ).
Totally delicious cake and faultless coffee. Had a quiet afternoon
(worked in a nap) before heading to a low-key housewarming down the
was another nice day – was still tired but got my behind out of bed to
get to the cinema and watch Wreck it ralph. It surpassed my massive
expectations. Was truly fantastic. A bit of an anti-climax after that as
had to do the rest of the weekly shop and cleaning. Enjoyed watching a
bit of anime and vegging on the sofa though.
morning has been all about hotels. Booking hotels for music
festivals(fun!) and training courses (work – so HAVE to be nice). Have
been on all sorts of comparisons sites to find the lowdown and get the
best prices. Have found a good deal for Resistanz festival, so I’m
pleased about that. It makes it more “real” once tickets and hotels are
confirmed. We always keep a close eye on hotels, unfortunately, so do the hotels. Once they notice the trend im bookings, it's never cheap... hence today's quote... “Necessity never made a good bargain."
Sunday, 10 February 2013
Friday Frenzy (written Friday morning)
Not a very awe inspiring shot this morning – but the weather isn’t very conducive to be honest!
I had an earlyish night last night which hasn’t really had the intended effect. I had hoped to wake up feeling refreshing and zingy, but have in fact woken up still feeling like my brain is in hibernation. I did get the set finished last night, which means that tonight I can do all of the birthday events I had planned and still get to Dystopia with time to set up and have a drink before I’m on. I feel like I’ll need it tonight for the flack I’m expecting… it’s a funny old game this Deejaying malarkey. When I first started doing Radio shows (from about 2001), it was very clear cut as I did Goth and Rock shows. My taste hasn’t completely changed, but has evolved – especially when I’m doing a set for the dance floor and not the radio.
My love of Electro and Synthesisers has overtaken my love of Goth, Rock and Metal music. It means that my taste in venue hasn’t changed (as I love the rock clubs I frequent – full of friends and not too expensive), but the music in the club has changed dramatically. Whereas my staples used to be Rob Zombie, NIN and Type O Negative – I now heavily rely on Miss Kitten, Boys Noize and Girlpop (Freezepop, Hyperbubble etc.).
Some people’s tastes have evolved and now love the music I play in my sets – but I still regularly get complaints (mainly, “IT’S NOT GOTH ENOUGH!”). It’s always a thin line we walk as deejays… playing music you love and making a set “you” (so as not to sound like everyone else), and keeping all the parties in the room happy. The most annoying thing with deejaying a predominantly Goth/Rock club is that when you *finally* play that track have been requested 5 or 6 times, no one dances. People stand at the bar and sway. When you’ve spent your allotted time trying to build an atmosphere and encourage a busy dance floor – it’s incredibly frustrating.
Still. I really enjoy doing it. Even after all this time – I get a wonderful Buzz when just one person comes up to the booth to ask what a track was. I’m known for giving away the CD’s I create for my sets, just to get people to listen to something new and change their perspective on music. I found this quote from the Legend Miles Davies today, I found it fitting. “Don't play what's there, play what's not there.”
Thursday, 7 February 2013
Wow. Just Wow.
The sky this morning is gorgeous. There was only one song on my mind this morning…
“And the skies always had little fluffy clouds, And they moved down, they were long and clear. And there were lots of stars at night. And when it would rain it would all turn it, they were beautiful. The most beautiful skies as a matter of fact. The sunsets were purple and red and yellow and on fire. And the clouds would catch the colors everywhere. That's neat, 'cause I used to look at them all the time when I was little. You don't see that…you might still see them in the desert”
I wonder how many people actually looked up to admire the gorgeous view this morning. So many people seem to look at their feet and don’t appreciate the beauty in the buildings and landscape around them. The JQ looked amazing this morning as everything took on a pink and orange hue with the clouds being reflected in the windows of the shops and cars on my walk to work.
It has put a big smile on my face this morning. Even though I’m shattered and still have the sniffly cold, I feel full of life. Me and the other half have planned Valentine’s Day (A Good Day to Die Hard and Wetherspoons – ROCK AND ROLL!) and booked tickets to go and see Wreck-it Ralph on Sunday. I have also received some confirmations re: Sci Fi Weekender and accommodation for Infest Festival in August is booked.
My key phrase for today (I have honestly used it 8 times already) is “It’s So Exciting!” I am such a child. A happy, smiley adult-lescent.
As I have given you a full whammy of Lyrics… no quote as such today. I will give you a little nugget from my own thoughts this morning though. It doesn’t matter if you’ve got money in your bank account – if your plans are full of promise and your life is blessed with friends, then you are rich beyond all measure.
Wednesday, 6 February 2013
Evening Irrelevance
In a change from normal blogging practise, I am writing this
in the early evening. Normally I do it when I get into work and everything is
still fresh in my head, but today has been totally off plan – for reasons that
will become apparent. Today's photo was also taken in the evening. The moody looking sky was captured at about 5'0'Clock on Livery Street (just on the edge of the JQ).
Firstly, I am feeling naff today. I felt ok last night
whilst listening to music for my set filled with beats and drops; this morning,
however, was a totally different story. I woke up and my eyes felt like they hadn’t
seen moisture in a good long time, my throat felt sandpapery and my head was
all fluffy. This wasn’t helped by the utter panic that set in when I fully
opened my eyes and realised how light it was… yep…the alarm hadn’t gone off
meaning I woke up a full hour and a quarter late.
Now, this isn’t a massive deal (I woke up at 7:30 rather
than 6:15), but it really was the last thing I needed this week. I am lucky
enough to work Flexi-hours, which means as long as I work my 40 hours (and don’t
take the piss), I can work those hours however I choose too. I normally start
at 7:30 and work through till 4:15 Monday to Thursday… this means I can leave
blissfully early on Fridays. As a creature of habit and routine, this holds me
through the week. Now I’ve got to make the time up on Friday – totally throwing
out my schedule (which involves Birthday drinks, a different friends Birthday
meal AND the deejaying).
I managed to get into work just in time to turn on the
computer, log into my phone and get my arse to a meeting (which I HAD to
attend). Normally, I’m pretty verbal in meetings – but today I was sitting
there in a daze. That’s pretty much how the whole day has been. My reaction
time to anything has been rubbish and I’ve not been very productive at all!
Still – today won’t be a total loss, because at least I get
to partake in normal Wednesday activities (involving friends, gossip and
booze). I also managed to sell more cards for our charity push at work (which
is going brilliantly) and fill in a piece of paperwork I was sent weeks ago.
All in all, not a bad day... just a bit maddening, silly and
unproductive. Now I just want some snuggles, sympathy and junk food. Today I found
this, which is pretty apt. “If you treat a sick child like an adult and a sick
adult like a child, everything usually works out pretty well”
Tuesday, 5 February 2013
Choresday Tuesday
So it’s another day, another list of things to do…
I’ve still got loads of work on, a charity event in progress and another one that’s being planned, broken headphones to get fixed, a complaint to follow up on and organising for our trip to the Sci-Fi Weekender in Wales (only 24 days away!). After work, I’ve got to get a move on and plan my set for my DJ gig Friday.
I am very tired today… still feeling a little under the weather, but it’s mainly because I had such a lovely evening last night. The first monthly St Paul’s film club went ahead and we had the rather surreal experience of watching “Life of Brian” in one of the most beautiful churches I have ever had the pleasure of visiting. I am looking forward to the rest of the line-up which includes “Pyscho,” “The beasts of the Southern Wild” and “True Grit.”
After the film had finished we went to the Brown Lion. It’s technically a local of ours, but we hardly ever visit. A shame really as it’s recently been redecorated and is warm, welcoming and only £1.90 for some of their draft bitters! We picked our night well, as they had an ex-member of Ocean Colour Scene doing an acoustic set in the pub. I’m not a huge fan, but he sounded great and between the conversation, the music and the reasonably priced ales – it ended up being a much later night than I envisaged!
Still, woke up this morning feeling fairly bright eyed and bushy tailed. I was greeted by the glorious sky that you can see in today’s photo. We were forecast some snow showers, but it didn’t do much so has just left the air crisp, clean and fresh. It helped put me in the right frame of mind to tackle some of today’s tasks.
There’s something immensely satisfying about completing tasks and ticking things off a to-do list. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate we all need to rest sometimes, but when I’ve got a big list of things to do – being idle makes me feel guilty. In doing my perusing today, I came across this quote. I think it sums up my thoughts succinctly “When you waste a moment, you have killed it in a sense, squandering an irreplaceable opportunity. But when you use the moment properly, filling it with purpose and productivity, it lives on forever."
Monday, 4 February 2013
Monday bloody Monday
So, Monday is here once again. I apologise for the delay in uploading Fridays blog! The training session on Friday was quite intense, great, but intense… it was then followed up by leaving drinks for a colleague which turned from a “quiet pint” to a bit of a sesh. That was then followed by dinner out and an impromptu trip to the club. A very rock’n’roll evening which culminated in us only being in the club for an hour because I wasn’t feeling well… I woke up and found I had been gifted a stinking cold which is still hanging around today.
I had a great weekend regardless though! We did our normal market trip Saturday morning (after I had dragged my sorry self out of bed) and found it to be extra thrifty as one of our favourite traders gave us some free aubergines. After wandering around town doing the Saturday chores, we headed back and I grabbed a crafty nap to conserve some energy for the annual “Winter-een-mas” party Saturday night. If you’re unfamiliar with the made-up holiday, get with the programme here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Tim_from_Leeds/Winter-een-mas.
Had a great time and woke up without a hangover, but had to have a lay in as I felt so pants! Still got a few more chores done on Sunday and got through a couple of disks of “Ah! My Goddess!” before a reasonably early night.
In today’s photo, you can see how light it’s gotten in the morning. The photo was taken around 7:20am. Normally around this time it’s cold, dark and makes me want to hibernate… but walking down Caroline Street this morning I felt a bit more full of life! There were more people out and about and a few more vehicles driving up and down the streets. That could be all change again tomorrow though as there is More Snow (?!) being predicted.
This morning, I was thinking about charity. I am a charity liaison officer at my work. It’s a voluntary post, and basically means I run myself ragged trying to raise money for the Children’s Hospital by dreaming up events to raise some much needed money for them to carry on their good work. We are starting our latest scheme today – anonymous valentines cards! It always makes me laugh that half of my office really get into the swing of it and join in –and half sit there and mock everything we organise. Honestly – miserable people drive me up the wall! I love arranging the events and seeing the smiles on the faces of the children whenever I go into the hospital. As such, I have found today’s quote; “There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.”
Sunday, 3 February 2013
Re: Pinch punch 1st of the month... (written on Friday - posted Sunday :s)
Happy 1st Feb everyone! It's a Friday - yippee!
Today I am on a training course to learn about the mysteries of Excel... I'm not bad with computers, but I'm no expert - especially with Excel! I love learning new things! Today I am unlocking the mysteries of the Pivot table and Conditional formatting. Some of you will read this and roll your eyes, but I'm so rubbish with mathmatics that I go into a cold clammy sweat when people start to talk about advanced formulas and x/y axis...
Everyone is blessed with different skills. My communication skills are pretty tip top, but I really fall down when it comes to mathmatical analysis.
No matter how hard you work, there are always things you can improve upon.
Whilst i cannot change the way i think, i can work to better myself. Todays quote is thus, "Once we accept our limits, we go beyond them."
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